

  1. How does the CortiSystem Program work?

The CortiSystem Program helps cleanse your system, change food choices to lighter, healthier foods, increase your metabolism, rid bloat and curb appetite.

  1. How fast will I lose weight?

CortiSystem is designed for you to optimize your best results by enabling you to lose excess fat while maintaining muscle tone.

  1. Do I need to follow a “diet�

With the CortiSystem Program, you should find that you naturally prefer lighter, healthier foods. Our goal is to reduce your desire to eat large portions and fat intensive snacks.

  1. Do I need to drink water?

Assisting the body to cleanse accumulated toxins is one of the many benefits of the CortiSystem Program.  It is best to flush those toxins from your system by drinking pure, clear fluids, which should encourage weight loss. We understand that for some people, drinking water is difficult. Please contact us if you have this situation.

  1. I am always tired. Will the CortiSystem Program help me with energy?

You should definitely notice a comfortable increase in energy.

  1. I eat a lot of junk food because of my lifestyle. Will that matter?

The desire for junk food should diminish as your body rids itself of toxins and enables your system to absorb better nutrition.  As the absorption of more nutrients increases. it is natural to lose the cravings for high-fat and high-calorie items.  One of the most noticeable benefits of a cleansed system is when the body actually prefers cleaner, healthier foods.

  1. I’m on medications for diabetes. Can I still take CortiSystem products?

As with any weight loss product, it is important to check with your doctor first.

  1. I’m on medication for high blood pressure. Can I still take CortiSystem products?

As with any weight loss product, it is important to check with your doctor first. Some high blood pressure situations may improve with weight loss, especially if your blood pressure rises when you gain weight and returns to normal with weight loss.

  1. I’m on medication for my heart condition. Can I still take CortiSystem products?

As with any weight loss product, it is important to check with your doctor first.

  1. What is the product, a pill or powder?

The CortiSystem products are in capsule form with the exception of Trim Plus.

  1. How often do I need to take the product?

Twice a day is recommended, one capsule in the morning and one capsule in the afternoon of the CortiSystem Trim, along with with one to two capsules in the morning and one in the afternoon of the CortiSystem Detox.

  1. What happens when I reach my goal?

When you reach your goal, you may discontinue daily use of the CortiSystem Program.  For proper internal maintenance you may continue to take the CortiSystem Detox. If you occasionally want a boost of energy or appetite control you may resume taking the Trim formula as needed.

We offer free counseling to help you maintain after weight loss goals are reached.  We will show you how it is possible to not regain and to maintain energy levels.
